Teaching Toddlers About Kindness

March 19, 2022

Teaching toddlers about kindness can have a positive effect on their behavior. Studies find that even small acts of kindness can improve self-esteem and positive thinking, which can improve their early learning achievements. Practicing kindness also has a calming effect.

PBS Kids for Parents offers an easy way to help your toddler practice small acts of kindness with a favorite stuffed animal or toy. All you need is a shoebox, old T-shirt, kid-safe glue and pair of old socks to make a toy bed for your child to practice being in a small, but important way.

Cut the T-shirt into two squares. Line the shoebox (or any other box that fits the favorite toy or animal) with the material. You can use glue to glue it to the bottom and sides of the box.

Your toddler can decorate the outside of the box with crayons or stickers. Use the other T-shirt square as a blanket. Roll one old sock into another for the pillow. Voila!

Encourage your toddler to kindly “tuck in” the toy beneath the blanket at naptime and bedtime. Ask your child to take care of the toy. You can demonstrate kind words and gestures for your child. Soon, your toddler will be practicing small acts of kindness – beginning with a favorite toy.

For more fun tips for toddlers, visit https://www.pbs.org/parents

Cheryl Viera