Video Post! Fine Motor Fun with Ms. Cheryl

Fine motor skills development

Fine motor skills develop naturally as your child gains the ability to control and coordinate their body. Keep in mind that some children might develop fine motor skills earlier and have better coordination than others.

One baby may learn to shake a rattle at 3 months, whereas a baby of the same age might not shake a rattle until a month later. This is totally normal.

Don’t be alarmed if your child isn’t developing as fast as a child of similar age. Remember, your child’s body is still growing. In a few weeks or months, they may build enough muscle strength in their hands to acquire new fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills activities

Incorporating fun activities into your child’s daily routine can help improve their fine motor skills. The ability to learn and practice fine motor skills at an early age can benefit them academically, socially, and personally.

Here are some activities you and your child can do together:

  • Allow your child to assist with meal preparation, like stirring, mixing, or pouring ingredients.

  • Put together a puzzle as a family.

  • Play board games that involve rolling dice.

  • Finger paint together.

  • Let your child set the dinner table.

  • Teach your child how to pour their own drinks.

  • Have your child roll and flatten clay with their hands, and then use a cookie cutter to make cutouts.

  • Show your child how to use a hole puncher.

  • Practice placing rubber bands around a can.

  • Place objects in a container and have your child remove them with tweezers.

Watch our video featuring Ms. Cheryl from Parents’ Academy for a fun activity to do with your little ones at home!